Today, tomorrow and yesterday
तस्य भ्राता शहरं न गच्छति| His brother does not go to city. Here the word तस्य is the genitive form of pronoun स: - his Now the same word in feminine gender is तस्या: तस्या: भगिनी शहरं न गच्छति | Her sister does not go to the city. Now if I want to say "my son went to village"? The genitive case of first person singular is मम - my मम सुत: ग्रामम् अगच्छत् | Notice that the verb is अगच्छत् because the sentence is in past tense. Now let us say "Your father will come tomorrow". तव पिता श्व: आगमिष्यति | भवत: पिता श्व: आगमिष्यति| तव means your. It is genitive form of युष्मद्. भवत: is more respectful term - it is similar to आप का in Hindi. श्व: is tomorrow. And ह्य: is yesterday. परश्व: is day after tomorrow and परह्य: is day before yesterday. ह्य: अहं गृहे आसाम् | Yesterday I was at home. आसाम् is the past tense form of अस्मि We know yesterday and tomorrow....