ओदनम् and other words

Let us start today's post with a sentence.

त्वम् अत्र शीघ्रम् ओदनम् आनय| You bring cooked rice here soon.

Now we know that त्वम् means you. 

The word अत्र means here. It is an indeclinable - अव्यय- the word which remains same in all numbers, genders and cases etc. If only the complete language was like that :(

So if अत्र is here, what is तत्र?

Of course it means there.

And कुत्र is ? Yeah, it is where and सर्वत्र means everywhere.

देव: कुत्र अस्ति ? अत्र अस्ति| तत्र अस्ति| सर्वत्र अस्ति|

Where is God? He is here. He is there. He is everywhere.

Now if you want, you can replace the word God with plastic. :) or for that matter corruption.

शीघ्रम् means soon or fast. Now can you tell me what is शिघ्राहारमन्दिर ? Yes, it means fast food restaurant.

बहवः जना: शिघ्राहारं न क्रीणन्ति|

        Many people do not buy fast food.

Because old people like me have all the time in the world to slowly cook slow food :)

ओदन means cooked rice. Another word for cooked rice is अन्न  which is also used in Kannada. And uncooked rice is called तण्डुल.

किञ्चित् वा दध्यन्नस्य भोजनं करोतु|  

          Eat a little bit of curd rice.

That is Indian mom right there for you. And as you might have guessed दधि is the word for curds. 

 We remember that  क्षीर means milk .

And finally the verb आनय . This word is from the root नी which means lead or guide. By adding a prefix , the meaning changes to bring.

आनयति means he/she/it brings.

In the word आनय the verb is in imperative and second person singular. So it means you bring

Let us look at one more sentences.

    अत्र जलमपि नास्ति | अत्र जलम्+अपि न+अस्ति |
    There is not even water here.( I think we are looking into near future)

The word जलम् means water.

    अधिकं जलं मा पिबतु| शीतं भवति|
    Do not drink a lot of water. You will catch cold.

Seriously? I don't think so. 

By now, you have guessed I am sourcing many of my sentences from internet and are not in any way my opinions :)

Let us summarize words we learnt today.

अत्र - here
तत्र  - there
कुत्र - where
सर्वत्र - every where
शीघ्रम् - fast
ओदन - rice
अन्न - rice
क्रीणन्ति - they buy
भोजन - meal 
किञ्चित् - a little bit 
क्षीर - milk
दधि - curd
जल - water
अपि - even
न अस्ति - not there (is not)
अधिक - more 
मा पिबतु - do not drink
शीतं - cold

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