Today, tomorrow and yesterday

    तस्य भ्राता शहरं न गच्छति| His brother does not go to city.

Here the word तस्य is the genitive form of pronoun स: - his

Now the same word in feminine gender is तस्या: 

    तस्या: भगिनी शहरं न गच्छति |  Her sister does not go to the city.

Now if I want to say "my son went to village"? The genitive case of first person singular is मम - my

    मम सुत: ग्रामम् अगच्छत् | 

Notice that the verb is  अगच्छत् because the sentence is in past tense. 

Now let us say "Your father will come tomorrow".

   तव पिता श्व: आगमिष्यति | भवत: पिता श्व: आगमिष्यति|

तव means your. It is genitive form of युष्मद्. भवत: is more respectful term - it is similar to आप का in Hindi. 

श्व: is tomorrow. And ह्य: is yesterday. 

परश्व: is day after tomorrow and परह्य: is day before yesterday. 

ह्य: अहं गृहे आसाम् |  Yesterday I was at home. 

आसाम् is the past tense form of अस्मि 

We know yesterday and tomorrow. What do you call today? 

अद्य . Today is अद्य . and अधुना means now. 

    त्वम् इदानीमेव  औषाधलयं गच्छ औषधं च आनय| You go to the pharmacy now only and bring medicines.

    Here इदानीमेव - इदानीं + एव - now + only 

    औषाध - medicine and औषाधलय  - pharmacy

    and च - and

    स: बाल: किमर्थं धावति? Why does that boy run?

As we have seen earlier बाल: means boy. Feminine form of this word is बालिका

किमर्थं means why. The word किं means what. These interrogative words are similar to pronouns.

स: -he सा - she  तत् -it    क: - who   का - who(f) किं -what

Their declensions are also similar to those of स: सा तत् 

    क: भोजनं करोति? Who is eating meals?

    रामस्य सहोदरी का? Who is Rama's sister?

Or as the famous stanza from Bhaja Govindam of Shankaracharya says

कस्त्वं कोऽहं कुत आयातः,का मे जननी को मे तातः।
इति परिभावय सर्वमसारम्, विश्वं त्यक्त्वा स्वप्न विचारम् ॥२३॥

    क: त्वं ? क: अहं? कुत आयात:? का मे जननी क: मे तात:

Who are you? Who am I? Where have I come from? Who is my mother? Who is my father?

Those kaha words for you. Enough philosophy. Let us move on.

धावति means run.  चलति  is the word for walking and अटति means wanders or roams

    सुरेश: न पठति न लिखति केवलं अटति| Suresh does not read nor write. He simply wanders. 

Disclaimer : It is an example sentence. I do not want to hurt the feelings of any Suresh. :)

स: द्रव्यं दत्वा धान्यं क्रीणति| He buys grains after giving money. 

Here द्रव्यं means money. And दत्वा is called त्वा or क्त्वा pratyaya.

These indeclinables are used for actions which precede another action. 


    अहं क्षीरं पीत्वा निद्रां करोमि| I sleep after drinking milk.

    ते शब्दं श्रुत्वा भीतवन्त: | They were scared after hearing the sound. 

    बाल: पतित्वा रुदति| The child cried after falling down. 

क्रीणति means buys or purchases. And विक्रीणति means sells.

    आपणिक: तण्डुलं विक्रीणति| Shopkeeper sells rice.

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