
मार्गारब्धा: सर्वयत्ना फलन्ति सर्वयत्ना=all efforts, फलन्ति=will be successful। 

पृथिव्यां पृथिव्यां=on earth त्रीणि त्रीणि=three रत्नानि रत्नानि= gems जलमन्नं जलमन्नं=जलम्+अन्नम्
जलम्=water, अन्नम्=rice
सुभाषितम् सुभाषितम्=maxim
 मूढै: मूढै:= by fools पाषाणखण्डेषु पाषाणखण्डेषु=in stones रत्नसंज्ञारत्नसंज्ञा=gem name विधीयतेविधीयते=is given/is done॥ 1॥ 
On earth, there are only three gems - water, rice and subhashita. Fools think that the stones are gems. 
कल्पद्रुम: द्रुम - tree
कल्पद्रुम - kalpavraksha - the tree that grants any boon
कल्पितमेव कल्पितमेव =कल्पितम्+एव
= anything you wish
सूते सूते - yields/produces , सा कामधुक् सा - she
कामधुक् - kamadhenu - the cow who gives everything
कामितमेव दोग्धि कामितमेव =कामितम्+एव= what you wish, दोग्धि=gives milk
चिन्तामणिश्चिन्तितमेव चिन्तामणिः+चिन्तितमेव, चिन्तितमेव=what you think, दत्ते दत्ते= gives , सतां हि सतां हि=of good people सङ्ग: सङ्ग:=friendship सकलं सकलं = everything प्रसूते प्रसूते-produces ॥ 2॥
Kalpavraksha gives what you wish. So does Kamadhenu. And also chintamani gives what you think. But the friendship of good people gives you everything.
Note: Thanks to  Sanskrit Subhashita blog for helping with the second verse.

गच्छन् गच्छन्=going पीपलिका पीपलिका=ant याति याति=goes योजनानां योजन=unit of distance in ancient times equal to 8 to 13 kms शतान्यपि शतान्यपि=शतानि+अपि
hundred also>
अगच्छन् अगच्छन् =not walking वैनतेयोपि वैनतेयोपि=वैनतेयः+अपि
वैनतेयः =eagle, अपि =even
पदमेकं पदमेकं=पदं+एकं
पदं=step, एकं= one
न गच्छतिन=not
If it starts walking,(puts effort) even an ant can walk hundred miles. But if a strong, fast eagle does not walk at all, it will not even move one step. (So the effort is as important as your strength. To get work done, you have to work hard. ) 
शोको शोको=sadness/worry, नाशयते नाशयते=destroys धैर्यं धैर्यं=courage, शोको शोक:=worry/sorrow नाशयते नाशयते=destroys श्रुतम् knowledge (of vedas) ,
शोको शोक:=worry/sorrow नाशयते नाशयते=destroys सर्वं, सर्वं=everythingनास्ति न+अस्ति
न=not, अस्ति=is
शोकसमो शोकसमो=शोकः+सम
शोकः=worry/sorrow, सम=equal to/like
रिपु: रिपु=enemy॥4॥
Worry ruins/destroys courage. Worry destroys our knowledge. Worry destroys everything. There is no enemy like(worse than) worry.  

गौरवं गौरवं=respect प्राप्यते प्राप्यते = is obtained दानात् दानात् = from donation/charity न=not तु तु=but वित्तस्यवित्तस्य=of wealth सञ्चयात्सञ्चयात्=from collecting/accumulating
स्थितिरुच्चै: स्थितिरुच्चै = स्थितिः+उच्चैः
स्थितिः=position उच्चैः=higher
पयोदानां पयोदानां=of cloudsपयोधीनामध: पयोधीनामध:= पयोधीनाम+अधः
पयोधि=ocean, अधः= lower
स्थिति:place॥ 5॥
By giving charity, respect is earned. It is not earned by just accumulating wealth. The cloud (which gives water) is in a higher place than the ocean(which collects water).
सद्भिस्तु सद्भिस्तु=सद्भिः+तु
सद्भिः= by good people,तु=but
लीलया लीलया=frivolously, lightly प्रोक्तं प्रोक्तं=प्र+उक्तं
प्रोक्तं=what is told
शिलालिखितमक्षरम् शिलालिखितमक्षरम्=शिलालिखितम्+अक्षरम्
शिला=stone, लिखितम्=written,अक्षरम्=letter/word
शिलालिखितमक्षरम्= words etched on stone, eternal
असद्भि: By bad people शपथेनापि शपथेनापि=शपथेन्+अपि
जले in water लिखितमक्षरम् लिखितमक्षरम्=लिखतम्+अक्षरम्
लिखतम्=written अक्षरम्=words
॥ 6॥
The frivolously uttered words  by good people also  become   permanent  as if they were etched on stone. But even vows told by bad people as short lived .
भवन्ति they become नम्रास्तरव:नम्रता:+तरवः - humble trees फलोद्गमै:फल+उद्गमैः - on arrival of fruits नवाम्बुभिर्भूरिविलम्बिनोनवाम्बुभिर्भूरिविलम्बिनो=नवाम्बुभिः+विलम्बिनो
नवाम्बुभिः= with new water,विलम्बिनो=lean (towards earth)
अनुद्धता: अनुद्धता=humble सत्पुरुषा: सत्पुरुषा:=good peopleसमृद्धिभि: समृद्धिभि:=(on becoming)with richnessस्वभावस्वभाव=nature एवैष एवैष=एव+एष
परोपकारिणाम्परोपकारिणाम्=of benevolent, kindly॥7॥ 
When the tree are full with fruits, they bend and become more humble. When clouds are filled with water, they lean more towards the earth. When good people become rich they become more humble. That is the nature of benevolent people. 
काष्टात्=from stick, अग्नि=fire,जायते= produced
मथ्यमानाद्मथ्यमानाद्=by rubbing भूमिस्तोयं भूमिस्तोयं=भूमिः+तोयं
भूमिः=earth,तोयं= water
खन्यमानाखन्यमाना=on being dugददातिददाति=gives।
स= with ,उत्साहानां=enthusiasm
न=not,अस्ति=is,असाध्यं= impossible
नराणांनराणां=for men मार्गारब्धा:मार्गारब्धा=मार्ग+आरब्धाः
मार्ग=path, आरब्धाः=having begun
सर्वयत्ना:सर्व=all, यत्ना:=efforts फलन्तिफलन्ति=fulfils॥ 8॥
By rubbing each other, you can produce fire from sticks also. By digging the earth, you can produce water from earth too. For those who are enthusiastic, nothing is impossible. If you begin, every effort will be successful. 

वयं=we, इह=here
परितुष्ट:परितुष्ट:=pleased, satisified वल्कलैस्त्वंवल्कलैस्त्वं=वल्कलैः+त्वं
वल्कलैः=with cloth from bark,त्वं= you
दुकूलै:दुकूलै:=fine silk cloth
 सम सम=equalइहइह=here परितोषोपरितोषो=happiness, satisfaction निर्विशेषोनिर्विशेषो=ordinary, not special विशेष:विशेषः=special
 स=he तुतु=and भवति भवति=becomesदरिद्रो दरिद्रो=poorयस्ययस्य=whoseतृष्णातृष्णा=desire विशालाविशाला=large
 मनसिमनसि=in (your) mindच=and परितुष्टेपरितुष्टे=satisified कोऽर्थवान्कोऽर्थवान्=कः+अर्थवान्
कः=who, अर्थवान्=rich
कोको= who दरिद्र:दरिद्र:=poor॥ 9॥
 We are happy with simple cloth made of bark (cotton) and you are happy with silk cloth. The happiness and satisfaction of special and ordinary are equal. A poor person is the one   whose desire is limitless (large). If you are happy inside, then who is poor and who is rich(there is no difference)?

ऐश्वर्यस्य ऐश्वर्यस्य=of wealth, of power विभूषणंविभूषणं=ornament, decoration सुजनता सुजनता=kindnessशौर्यस्य शौर्यस्य=of courageवाक्संयमोवाक्संयमो=वाक्+संयमः=control of speech
संयमः=control, वाक्=speech
ज्ञानस्य= of knowledge,उपशमः= patience,calmness
कुलस्यकुलस्य=of high birth विनयोविनयो=humility वित्तस्यवित्तस्य=of richesपात्रे व्यय:पात्रे व्यय:=spending judicioulsy। 
अक्रोधः= not angry, तपसः=of ascetic
क्षमाक्षमा=forgiving बलवतांबलवतां=of strong people धर्मस्य निर्व्याजतानिर्व्याजता=without deceit
सर्वेषां=of all of these,अपि=also
सर्वकारणमिदंसर्वकारणमिदं=cause of all these शीलंशीलं=character परं परं=greatestभूषणम्भूषणम्=decoration, ornament॥ 10॥ 
Goodness is the only ornament needed for rich people. For courageous people, it is cautious speaking. For wise people, patience is the best ornament. For nobility, the only ornament needed is humility. For religious people, the best ornament is being non-deceptive. Of all these virtues, character is the best ornament and it is also the cause of all these virtues.