कर्मणा याति संसिद्धम्

आसीत् पुरा कोऽपि महातपा नाम वनवासी मुनि:। एकदा यदा तरुच्छायोपविष्ट आसीत् तदा तस्योपरि एका बलाका विष्ठाम् उदसृजत् क्रुद्धस्तां व्यलोकयत् दृष्टमात्रा  एव बलाका भस्मसाद् अभवत् ततश्च  स  मुनिः  तप:प्रभावाद्  अहङ्कारम्  उपगत: । 

Once there was a forest dwelling sage called Mahatapa. Once he was sitting in the shade of a tree. Then a crane dropped feces on him. He looked at the crane with anger. By the power of his look, the crane burnt into ashes. Then the sage become very proud of his power. 

एकदा अयं मुनि: क्वापि नगरे एकं ब्राह्मणगृहं प्राप्य तद्गृहिणीं भिक्षामयाचत। सा पतिव्रता गृहिणी तमवदत्- "प्रतीक्षस्व क्षणं, यावद् भर्तु: परिचर्यां समापये" इति। एतत् श्रुत्वा मुनि: तां कोपदृष्ट्या दृष्टवान्। सा विहस्य अभाषत- "मुने! अहं बलाकेति"। तत् आकर्ण्य विस्मित: मुनि: "एतत् कथमिव ज्ञातमनया" इति चिन्तयन् तत्र उपाविशत्।

Once this sage went to some town and in some house asked for alms by the lady of the house. The lady told him " Please wait a second. Until I finish serving my husband". Hearing this, the sage looked at her with anger. She told him "Hey sage, I am not the crane". When he heard this, he thought "how does she know about this" and sat there. 

ततश्च सा साध्वी भर्तु: शुश्रूषां कृत्वा भिक्षामादाय मुने: अन्तिकम् आगता। मुनि: बद्धाञ्जलि: तामवदत् "कथं त्वया अनन्यगोचरो बलाकावृत्तान्तो ज्ञात इति ब्रूहि, ततो भिक्षां ग्रहीष्ये"। साऽवदत् "मुने! भर्तृसेवयाः अपरं कञ्चन धर्मं करोम्यहम्। तत्प्रसादेन एव मे एतादृशं विज्ञानम्। किञ्च इत: धर्मव्याधाख्यं कञ्चन मांसविक्रयिणं गत्वा एतत् पृच्छ। ततस्ते श्रेयो भविष्यति। त्वं निरहङ्कार: भविष्यसि "इति। एवं सर्वविदा पतिव्रतया अभिहित: गृहीतातिथिसत्कार: मुनि: तां प्रणम्य तद्गृहाद् निरगच्छत्।

Then the lady finished serving her husband and brought the alms near the sage.  He folded his hands and asked her. "Without seeing, how do you know about the story of the crane? Tell me that. Then only I will accept the alms".  She said to the sage. "Hey sage, other than serving my husband, I don't do any good deed. Because of that (serving her husband), I have obtained this knowledge. There is a meat seller called Dharmavyadha. You go to him and ask this question. That will do you good. And you will become humble. Hearing this from all knowing loyal wife, he accepted the alms, bowed her and returned from that house. 

अन्येद्यु: स: मुनि: समन्विष्य तं विपणिस्थं मांसानि विक्रीणन्तम् उपागच्छत्। धर्मव्याधश्च दृष्ट्वा एव तं मुनिम् अभाषत - "ब्रह्मन्! किं पतिव्रतया तया इह त्वं प्रेषितः? " तत् आकर्ण्य मुनिर्विस्मित: तं धर्मव्याधम् अवदत्- '' भद्र! मांसविक्रयिण: ते कथम् ईदृशं विज्ञानम्"? धर्मव्याध: अवदत्- "ब्रह्मन्! अहं मातापित्रोभक्त:। तौ हि मम परायणम्। अहं तौ स्नापयित्वा स्नामि, भोजयित्वा भोजनं स्वीकरोमि। शाययित्वा स्वपिमि। तेन मे एतादृशं विज्ञानम्। अन्यहतानां मृगादीनां मांसानि स्वधर्म इति मत्वा वृत्त्यरथं विक्रीणे, तु धनलिप्सया। हे मुने! ज्ञानविघ्रोऽहङ्कार:। अत: स्वधर्मं चर, येन आशु परं श्रेय:  अवाप्यसि"।

On another day, the sage searched and found the meat seller called Dharmavyadha. Dharmavyadha saw him and asked "Has the good lady sent you?". Hearing this the sage was surprised and asked Dharmavyadha. "Good man, you are selling meat here. How do you have such knowledge?". Dharmavyadha told him " Hey Brahman, I am a devotee of my parents. They are my sacred work. I wash them first and then bathe. I feed them before eating. I put them to sleep before sleeping. Because of this, I have got this knowledge. I take the animals killed by others and sell their meat, thinking that it is my duty, not because of greed. Hey sage. Pride is an obstacle in pursuit of knowledge. So do your duty. By that you will get happiness soon."

  ततश्च धर्मव्याधेन एवम् अनुशिष्ट: मुनि: तद्गृहं गत्वा धर्मव्याधस्य सर्वं क्रियाविधिम् अवलोक्य परितुष्टः वनं गतवान्। अवाप्तवान् तदुपदेशात् सिद्धिम्। उक्तञ्च 

           कर्मणैव हि संसिद्धम् आस्थिता जनकादयः।

Then by hearing this by Dharmavyadha, that sage went home and became satisified with his methods. And he obtained fulfilment by his teachings. It is told that

            By work only Janaka etc. have obtained Moksha. 

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