Upasarga - उपसर्ग

 Upasargas are verb prefixes in Sanskrit. These prefixes alter or enhance the meanings of the verbs.


  • आ+गच्छति = आगच्छति  (Comes) 
    • Here the verb has almost opposite meaning of गच्छति -goes
  • अव+ गच्छति = अवगच्छति (Understands) 
    • different meaning from गच्छति
  • अनु+सरति = अनुसरति (Follows) 
    • सरति means goes
  • वि+स्मरति = विस्मरति (forgets)
    • opposite in meaning. स्मरति means remembers
  • परा+जयति = पराजयते (loses)
    • opposite in meaning of जयति - wins
  • प्र+वहति = प्रवहति (flows fast)
    • enhances the meaning of वहति - flows

Here is the complete list of upasargas

  • प्र = more, forward
  • आ = to form, backwards
  • परा = down, backward
  • नि = in, more
  • अप = away, opposite
  • अधि = above
  • सम् = together, very much
  • अपि = also, to cover
  • अनु = behind
  • सु = good
  • अव = down
  • अभि = towards
  • निस् = out, far away
  • प्रति = towards, against
  • निर् = out
  • परि = around
  • दुस् = bad
  • उप = near, to
  • दुर् = difficult
  • उद् = up
  • वि = contrary, particular
  • अति = beyond

Some of these upasargas can be used as independent words too. 

  • अहम् अपि गृहं गच्छामि। I also will go home.
  • तस्य गृहः अति सुन्दरः अस्ति। His house is very beautiful.
  • मम जानुवेदनां प्रति अहं वैद्यं दृष्टुं गच्छामि। For my knee pain, I am going to see a doctor.

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