Numbers in Sanskrit

 Here are the numbers from 1 to 20 in Sanskrit.

  • One एकम्  (ekam)१
  • Two द्वे  (dve) २
  • Three त्रीणि (treeNi) ३
  • Four चत्वारि (chatvari)
  • Five पञ्च (pancha)
  • Six षट् (shat)
  • Seven सप्त (sapta)
  • Eight अष्ट (ashta)
  • Nive नव (nava)
  • Ten दश (dasha)
  • Eleven एकादश (ekAdaza)
  • Twelve द्वादश
  • Thirteen त्रयोदश
  • Fourteen चतुर्दश
  • Fifteen पञ्चदश
  • Sixteen षोडष
  • Seventeen सप्तदश
  • Eighteen अष्टादश
  • Nineteen नवदश
  • Twenty विंशति

 Now can we use these in some sentences.

  1. षड् ऋतवः भवन्ति। There are 6 seasons. 
  2. द्वादश मासाः भवन्ति। There are 12 months.
  3. एकस्मिन् मासे त्रिंशत् या एकत्रिंशत् दिनाः भवन्ति। In a month there are 30 or 31 days.
  4. फरवरी मासे सामान्यतः अष्टविंशति दिनानि भवन्ति। In the month of February usually there are 28 days.

Let us talk about seasons and months in Indian calendar. The twelve months and six seasons according to Indian calendar are

  1. चैत्रः
  2. वैशाखः ---वसन्तः
  3. ज्येषः
  4. आशाढः - ग्रीष्मः
  5. श्रावणः
  6. भाद्रपदः - वर्षा
  7. आश्वीजः
  8. कार्तीकः - शरत्
  9. मार्गशीर्षः
  10. पुष्यः - हेमन्तः
  11. माघः
  12. फाल्गुणः - शिशिरः
Do you know that, in each month, there are two 'paksha's - period of 15 days. shulka paksha (शुक्ल पक्ष) and krishna paksha (कृष्ण पक्ष). There are 15 days in each paksha - pratipada, dvitiya, trateeya, chaturthi, panchami, shashti, saptami, asthami, navami, dashami, ekadashi, dvadashi, trayodashi, chaturdashi, poornima/amavasya.


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