कारक - I

We have earlier seen that subject of a sentence is called kartru कर्तृ - and it will be प्रथमा विभक्ति

Let us look at other declensions of nouns.


The object of a sentence is called कर्म in Sanskrit. The words which are objects will be in second declension - द्वितीया विभक्ति  or कर्म कारक
Let us look at an example

माता भोजनं यच्छति।
In this sentence the subject is माता. And the object is भोजनं. Mother brings the meal.

Object answers the question what or whom of the verb.

Let us look at few more examples.

  • रमा तत्र त्रीणि पात्राणि स्थापयति।  Here what does Rama keep? She keeps रीणि पात्राणि.
  • पुत्रः जलं पिबति।                        Son drinks water.
  • पिता तिस्रः चटकाः पश्यन्ति।        Father sees three sparrows.
  • पिता कन्यां कथयति।                   Father tells the girl.
  • पुत्रः पुत्री च जनकम् अनुसरतः।     Son and daughter follow father.
  • महिलाः व्यायामं कुर्वन्ति।            Women do exercise.
  • परस्परं वार्तालापं च कुर्वन्ति।        They also do the conversation among themselves.
  • ताः बहवः वृक्षाणि पश्यन्ति।          They see a lot of trees.
  • वत्सला आम्रं खादति।                   Vatsala eats a mango.
  • कौमुदी संस्कृतं पठति।                   Kaumudi studies Sanskrit.


The noun forms which are used for by, with etc. are called karanakaraka. In English these are called instrumental case.  

Karanakarakas are formed using तृतीया विभक्ति.

मेघैः वर्षा भवति। Rain is formed by clouds. Here the word मेघैः is करणकारक
         वृक्षः पुष्पैः शोभते।

Let us look at a shloka

सत्येन धार्यते पृथ्वी सत्येन तपते रविः।
सत्येन वाति वायुश्च सर्वं सत्ये प्रतिष्ठितम्।।

Earth is supported by truth. Sun shines from truth. Wind blows from truth. Everything rests upon truth.

Let us form more sentences using instrumental case.
  • सीता कलमेन लिखति।             Sita writes with pen.
  • काशका यानेन गच्छति।            Kashika goes on a vehicle.
  • मनुष्यः नेत्राभ्याम् पश्यति।        Man sees with his two eyes.
  • भक्तः देवं पुष्पैः पूजयति।          Devotee prays to the God with flowers.
  • सर्पं दन्तैः दशति।                      Snake bites with its teeth.
  • बालकः काष्ठं हस्ताभ्याम् उद्धरति। Boy lifts the wood with his both hands

सम्प्रदानकारकम् - चतुर्थी विभक्ति

The noun forms which take the form 'for, to etc. are called सम्प्रदानकारक. They are called dative case in English.

Let us look at an examples

वृद्धः भ्रमणाय गच्छति।                             The old man goes for a walk.
जनाः कार्यालयाय गच्छन्ति।                      The people go for offices

बालः खेलनाय क्रीडाक्षेत्रं गच्छति।               Boys go to the playground to play.
सूदः भोजनपाचनाय पाकशालां गच्छति।      The cook goes to the kitchen to cook the meals.
ते रात्रौ बहिः भोजनाय गच्छन्ति।                They go out in the night for meals.
मह्यं रोटिका न रोचते।                                I don't like roti. (मह्यं - to me)

The following verbs always take dative case - चतुर्थी विभक्ति

क्रुध् , द्रुह्, ईरष्य्, असूय् , रुच
e.g. पिता बालकाय क्रुध्यति।

These verbs also take  dative case (चतुर्थी विभक्ति)

नमः, स्वस्ति, स्वाहा, स्वधा, अलम्, वषट्

इन्द्राय नमः।
अग्नये स्वाहा।
सर्वेभ्यः स्वस्ति।


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