Fill in the blanks

 Fill in the blanks with the given words

(जनकेन      वानराय     सिम्हशावकान्     गण्डकः   शुकः  )

  1. अहं  -------- फलानि आयच्छम्   |   
  2. ------- अतीव स्थूलः पशुः अस्ति  |  
  3. अहम् ------ सह जन्तुशालाम् आगच्छम्   | 
  4. वयं ------ गण्डकान्, मकरान् आपश्याम
  5. -------- हरितवर्णः अस्ति

Now the meanings of the words to be filled are

 जनकेन  with father    वानराय  for monkey   सिम्हशावकान् - lion cub     गण्डकः  rhinoceros  शुकः parrot

So let me leave you the joy of filling the correct words now. 

As you might have guessed,  I have taken (taken , stolen - copied same same ) this from a lesson on zoo visit.

Next let us see some more exercises with respect to verb forms in present tense

(1)तौ उभौ अपि ............. (नृत्यन्ति/नृत्यतः/नृत्यति) - They both also dance.
(2) यूयं सर्वे किम् ............. (कुरुथः/कुरुथ) - Why do you (you all) do all this?
(3) आवां कदापि असत्यं न ............. (वदामि/वदावः/वदामः) - We both never tell lies.
(4) ते बालिके विद्यालयं कदा ............. (गच्छति/गच्छतः/गच्छन्ति) - When do those two boys  go to school?
(5) वयं भारतीयाः शूरवीराः ............. (भवामि/भवावः/भवामः) - We Indians are brave and heroic.

  1. The first sentence is in third person dual. So the correct verb is नृत्यतः
  2.  यूयं - you all is plural form of  युष्मद् shabda    . So the verb must be कुरुथ
  3.  आवां - we both - is dual form of  अस्मद् . So the verb must be in dual - वदावः
  4.  ते - they - is plural form of सः. The verb corresponding is गच्छन्ति
  5. वयं - we - is plural of  अस्मद्. The verb must be भवामः

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