क्रष्णमुखी न मार्जारी द्विजिह्वा न च सर्पिणी |
पञ्चभर्त्री न पाञ्चाली यो जानाति स पण्डितः ||
She has black face, but she is not a female cat (मार्जारी). She has two tongues, but she is not a snake (सर्पिणी). She has five husbands (पञ्चभर्त्री),but she is not Panchali - Draupadi. The one who knows answer, is a wise man.
Can you guess the answer?
कस्तूरि जायते कस्मात् को हन्ति करिणां कुलम् |
किं कुर्यात् कतरो युद्दे मृगात् सिंहः पलायनं ||
From what Kasturi comes (is made)? Who kills the clans of elephants? What should a coward do in a war? Lion runs away from the deer.
Of course, the fourth line sounds really strange. Why should a lion run away from a deer? Isn't it the other way around? That the deer runs away from the lion?
But the fact is, the last line is just answers for first three questions.
- From what kasturi comes ? From deer - म्रगात्
- Who kills the clans of elephants? Lion - सिंह
- What should a कातर - a coward do in the war? - Run away - पलायनं