
 क्रष्णमुखी न मार्जारी द्विजिह्वा न च सर्पिणी |
पञ्चभर्त्री न पाञ्चाली यो जानाति स पण्डितः ||
She has black face, but she is not a female cat (मार्जारी). She has two tongues, but she is not a snake (सर्पिणी). She has five husbands (पञ्चभर्त्री),but she is not Panchali - Draupadi. The one who knows answer, is a wise man.

Can you guess the answer?

कस्तूरि जायते कस्मात्  को हन्ति करिणां कुलम् |
किं कुर्यात् कतरो युद्दे मृगात्  सिंहः पलायनं ||

From what   Kasturi comes (is made)? Who kills the clans of elephants? What should a coward do in a war? Lion runs away from the deer.
Of course, the fourth line sounds really strange. Why should a lion run away from a deer? Isn't it the other way around? That the deer runs away from the lion?
But the fact is, the last line is just answers for first three questions.
  1. From what kasturi comes ? From deer - म्रगात् 
  2. Who kills the clans of elephants? Lion - सिंह 
  3. What should a कातर  - a coward do in the war? - Run away - पलायनं   

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