
उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः ।
न हि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य प्रविशन्ति मुखे मृगाः ।।1।।

पुस्तके पठितः पाठः जीवने नैव साधितः।
किं भवेत् तेन पाठेन जीवने यो न सार्थकः ।।2।।

प्रियवाक्यप्रदानेन सर्वे तुष्यन्ति जन्तवः।
तस्मात् प्रियं हि वक्तव्यं वचने का दरिद्रता ।।3।।

गच्छन् पिपीलको याति योजनानां शतान्यपि।
अगच्छन् वैनतेयोऽपि पदमेकं न गच्छति ।।4।।

काकः कृष्णः पिकः कृष्णः को भेदः पिककाकयोः।
वसन्तसमये प्राप्ते काकः काकः पिकः पिकः ।।5।।

Now let us understand these verses

  1. उद्यमेन - मनोरथैः - by desire सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य - of sleeping lion   मुखे -in the mouth प्रविशन्ति - enter    सिद्ध्यन्ति - be accomplished (plural)   मृगाः - deers
    1. Work gets done only by hard work, not just by desiring it. (like) The animals don't enter the mouth of a sleeping lion. 
    2. Even the lion has to go and hunt for animals to eat them.
  2. पुस्तके - in the books  पठितः - read   जीवने - in life    न एव साधितः - not accomplished किं - what भवेत् - becomes तेन पाठेन - with those lessons   सार्थकः - useful
    1. If a student doesn’t implement the lesson learnt in the book in his life, then what is the benefit those lessons?
  3. प्रिय -dear   वाक्य - words, sentences   प्रदानेन - by giving, by speaking सर्वे - everyone तुष्यन्ति - be pleased (plural) जन्तवः - creatures/men  तस्मात् - therefore  वक्तव्यं - to be said. वचने - words/speech दरिद्रता - poverty
    1. When they hear dear or favorite things, all people become happy. Therefore, let us say only dear words - what do we lose from these words?
  4. गच्छन् - moving पीपलिका - ant याति - goes योजनानां - measure of distance - around 7.2 kms शतानि अपि - hundreds also अगच्छन् - unmoving -stationary वैनतेय - eagle पदमेकं - पदम्+एकं - one step गच्छति - goes
    1. A moving ant will even go hundreds of miles. But an eagle which just sits still will not even move in millimeter. 
    2. If a person who may not be very strong, intelligent or capable can achieve difficult things when he keeps trying. At the same time, a very capable person can't do anything if he just wastes his time, not doing anything useful. 
  5. काक: - crow. कृष्णः - black  पिकः - cuckoo भेदः - difference पिककाकयोः - of cuckoo and crow वसन्त - spring season प्राप्ते - on arrival 
    1. Crow is black. So is the cuckoo. What is the difference between them? But when the spring comes (and the cuckoo starts singing), one will come to know which is crow and which is cuckoo.

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