कारक - २

 आपादान कारकम्

In Sanskrit, आपादान कारक -  the ablative case is the fifth case (pañcamī)। Sanskrit nouns in the ablative often refer to a subject "out of" which or "from" whom something (an action, an object) has arisen or occurred: पत्रं तरोः पतति। "the leaf falls from the tree". 

When an object is separated from another the word expressing the object from which the separation happened will be in ablative case.


  • अश्वारोही अश्वात् पतति।   The horse rider falls down from the horse.
  • लतायाः पुष्पाणि पतन्ति।    Flowers fall down from the creeper.
  • गान्गा हिमालयात् निस्सरति।   River Ganga flows from Himalaya.
  • बालिका बिडालात् बिभेति।     Girl is afraid of cat।
  • बालकः गृहात् बहिः आगच्छति। Boy comes out of the house.
  • जलात् विद्युत् उद्भवति।    Electricity arises from water.
  • पर्वातात् नद्यः प्रभवन्ति।    Rivers flow down from the mountains. 
  • विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्।  Education bring humbleness. Humbleness brings worthiness
    • पात्रत्वाद् धनमाप्नोति धनाद् धर्मः ततः सुखम्।।From worthiness money comes. From money comes Dharma and happiness
  • रामः ग्रामात् आगच्छति।  Rama comes from village.

सम्बन्धे - षष्ठी विभक्ति:

 Genitive case or सम्बन्ध is used to indicate possession or belonging to. It is usually formed by adding the स्य to the stem.

  • मयूरस्य नृत्यं सुन्दरं। Dance of peacock is beautiful.
  • वृक्षस्य उपरि खगानां निवासः अस्ति। The abode of birds is above the tree.
  • कृषकस्य क्षेत्रं हरितम् अस्ति। The field of the farmer is green.
  • रामः दशरथस्य पुत्रः । Rama is Dasharatha's son.
  • नद्याः जलं शीतलं अस्ति। The water of the river is cold.
  • मृगस्य स्वभावः मुग्धः। The nature of deer is innocent
  • चिकित्सालयेषु रुग्णानाम् सङ्ख्या प्रतिदिनं वर्धते। In the hospital, the number of patients increases everyday.
  • जीवनस्य रक्षणाय वृक्षाणाम् आरोपणम् अवश्यकम्। For saving the life, it is necessary to plant the trees.

अधिकरणकारकम् - सप्तमीविभक्ति

 अधिकरणकारक is called locative case in English. It indicates the location. Along with "in", "on", "at", "or", and "by", the locative case is also generally used with "among" in Sanskrit. 

  • आकाशे चन्द्रः  उदयति।  The moon rises in the sky.
  • नदीषु अवकरं मा क्षिप। Do not throw garbage into the river.
  • गृहे कोपि नास्ति।         There is no one in the house.
  • अमितः बालकानाम् श्रेष्ठः । Amit is best among boys.
  • बालकः मित्रेषु विश्वसन्ति।  Boy believes in his friend.
  • उत्सवे व्यसने चैव दुर्भिक्षे शत्रुविग्रहे। In the festival, in bad-luck, in famine, in war with enemies
    • राजद्वारे श्मशाने च यस्तिष्ठति सः बान्धवः ।। At the door of king, in crematorium who stands with you is your friend and relative

सम्बोधनम् - 

Vocative case or सम्बोधनम् is used to address a person.   Vocative case is similar to प्रथमा विभक्ति with हे added to it. In singular, there is no visarga in vocative case.

  • हे मेघ, वर्षां कुरु। Hey cloud, bring rain.
  • हे राम, माम् उद्धर। Hey Ram, save me.
  • हे मित्र, कुत्र गच्छसि? Hey friend, where are you going?

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