Some common words

 Let us see how many of the common words we know.

  1. The pronoun I in Sanskrit is    ----------- (मम, त्वं, अहं, मे)
  2. Which of the following words does not mean water? -----(जलं ,वारी, पानीय, मेघ)
  3.  Which of the following is not an animal?-----(सिंह:, मूषक:, मूर्ख:, मार्जाल:  )
  4. What does the word प्रभात​:  mean? -----(beautiful, ugly, morning, evening)
  5. Which of these words mean she sees ------(पश्यति ,प्श्यामि, पश्य, अप्श्यत् )
  6. Which of the following is not part of a plant ? ----(फलं ,पुष्पं ,पर्णं ,पृथ्वी)

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