Sanskrit story

 This is the common and well read children's story of turtle and swans. I am copying the text from NCERT book Ruchira and will be translating the story in few posts.

अस्ति मगधदेशे फुल्लोत्पलनाम सर:| तत्र संकटविकटनामकौ हंसौ निवसत: | कम्बुग्रीवनामा तयो: मित्रम् एक: कूर्म: तत्रैव प्रतिवसति स्म |

In the kingdom of Magadha, there was a lake called Phollottama. There lived two swans with names Sankat and Vikata. A turtle with the name Kambugreeva, who was their friend also lived there.

अस्ति - there is        सर:  - Lake   तत्र - there    हंसौ  -  Two swans  निवसत: - lived
तयो: - their   मित्रम् - friend  कूर्म: - turtle  तत्रैव - there only (तत्र + एव)  प्रतिवसति स्म - lived

अथा एकदा धीवारा: तत्र आगच्छन् अकथयन् च - वयं श्व: मत्स्यकूर्मादीन् मारयिष्याम: | एतत् श्रुत्वा कूर्म: अवदत् "मित्रे किं युवाभ्यां धीवाराणां वार्ता श्रुता? अधुना किं अहं करोमि?"

Then once fishermen came there and said "Tomorrow we will kill fish and turtles". Hearing this the turtle said "Friends, was the talk of fishermen heard by you? What do I do now"?

एकदा - once   धीवारा: - fishermen  आगच्छन् - they came   अकथयन् - they said
वयं - we श्व: - tomorrow मत्स्यकूर्मादीन् - fish turtles (acc)  मारयिष्याम: - we will kill (future tense)
एतत् - this  श्रुत्वा - having heard अवदत् - told  मित्रे -friends (vocative dual)    युवाभ्यां - by you two (dative)
वार्ता - speech  श्रुता - heard अधुना - now करोमि - I do

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