Sarva (सर््व) in all 7 cases

 The following sentences are copied from the book "Sanskrit swayam shikshak"

  1. सर्व: जन: अन्नं भक्षयति  | Every one eats rice.
  2. सर्वं धनं तस्मै देहि | Give all money to him.
  3. सर्वेण द्रव्येण स: किं करोति ? What does he do with all that money?
  4. सर्वस्मै याचकवर्गाय मोदकान्  देहि |  Give laddoos to all beggars.
  5. सर्वस्मात् ग्रामात् जान: आगत:| People have come from all villages.
  6. सर्वस्य पुस्तकस्य किं मूल्यं अस्ति ? What will be the cost of all books?
  7. सर्वस्मिन् ग्रन्थे धर्म: प्रतिपादित: | All the books teach  dharma.

We see the word sarva in all 7 cases. 

1. As you might have guessed, भक्षयति means eats. अन्नं is rice in accusative case. 

Let us look at a subhashit with the word अन्न

अन्न दानं परं दानं विद्यादानमतः परं

अन्नेन क्षणिका तृप्ति: यावज्जिवञ्च विद्यया

The shloka means

Donating food (to the poor) is a very good donation. But donating the knowledge is better than that. Because if food gives temporary satisfaction, where as knowledge or education gives happiness for ever. 

So basically this subhashita is like saying  

Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime

2. Do you notice that this sentence has no explicit subject? Yes, the subject is you and the sentence is in imperative case. 

Also notice that the object is   धनंand सर्वंis the adjective. In Sanskrit, the adjective is in the same case and gender and number as the noun it describes. So सर्वं is accusative case singular.

तस्मै means to him. It is dative case of the pronoun स:. 

गुरूर ब्रह्मा गुरूर विष्णु,
गुरु देवो महेश्वरा,
गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म,
तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः

In this shloka we are again using the word  तस्मै.  So we are saying 

The teacher is Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara and  to him, to the teacher I bow before him. 

Notice that both 
तस्मै and
गुरुवे are in dative case.

3. द्रव्य Means liquid. It also means objects or things. But really what do we do with all earthly belongings. 

You use द्रव for liquid in Indian languages. अनिल is the word for gas and घन means solid. 

4. Here is one good Samaritan giving laddus to all beggars.  

याचक is the one who begs or the one who asks. The word used for poor is दरिद्र. 

5. ग्राम means village.  City in Sanskrit is called नगर or पुर

 मम नगरत: अति दूरे अन्ये नगरे विवाहः अस्ति | In a city far away from my city, there is a wedding. 

6.  This one is in genitive case or षष्टि विभक्ति. 

अहं रामस्य पुत्री| I am Rama's daughter. 

If I want to say I am the daughter of Sita, then it takes this form.

 अहं सीताया: पुत्री|

 the verb  अस्मि is not essential in both the above sentences.

मूल्यं Means price. You might have heard the word बहुमूल्य - expensive or precious

किं means what. It is nominative interrogative word in neuter gender. 

7.   ग्रन्थ is book or scripture or volume. Normally you use it as

पवित्र ग्रन्थ - holy book

This sentence is in passive voice. The literal translation is Dharma is taught in all the books.

Now recognize the cases of underlined words in these sentences.

  • अन्यस्य धनं न स्वीकुरु | 
  • अन्येन मार्गेण त्वं गृहं गच्छ | 
  • स: मोदकं भक्षय ति | 
  • सोमदत्तात् ब्राह्मण: धनं गृह्णाति | 
  • बालका: कन्दुकेन क्रीडन्ति |

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