
Showing posts from October, 2020

Sarva (सर््व) in all 7 cases

 The following sentences are copied from the book "Sanskrit swayam shikshak" सर्व: जन: अन्नं भक्षयति  | Every one eats rice. सर्वं धनं तस्मै देहि | Give all money to him. सर्वेण द्रव्येण स: किं करोति ? What does he do with all that money? सर्वस्मै याचकवर्गाय मोदकान्  देहि |  Give laddoos to all beggars. सर्वस्मात् ग्रामात् जान: आगत:| People have come from all villages. सर्वस्य पुस्तकस्य किं मूल्यं अस्ति ? What will be the cost of all books? सर्वस्मिन् ग्रन्थे धर्म: प्रतिपादित: | All the books teach  dharma. We see the word sarva in all 7 cases.  1. As you might have guessed, भक्षयति means eats. अन्नं is rice in accusative case.  Let us look at a subhashit with the word अन्न अन्न दानं परं दानं विद्यादानमतः परं अन्नेन क्षणिका तृप्ति: यावज्जिवञ्च विद्यया The shloka means Donating food (to the poor) is a very good donation. But donating the knowledge is better than that. Because if food gives temporary satisfaction, where as knowledge or education gives happiness for ever.  So b