
Showing posts from July, 2020

Present tense sentences

स: खेलति | He plays. बाल: खेलति | The boy plays. बाल: कन्दुकेन सह खेलति| The boy plays with the ball. सा हसति | She laughs. बालिका हसति | The girl laughs. ते गायन्ति | They sing. बालका: बालिका: च गायन्ति | Boys and girls sing. तौ  पठत:|                           They both read. बालिका बाल: च पठत:|          The girl and the boy read. तौ  पुस्तकानि  पठत:|             They read books. राम: क्षीरं पिबति | Rama drinks milk अहं पाठं पठामि |   I read a lesson. अवां लिखाम: | We both write  वयं गच्छाम:|  We go.  वयं  विद्यालयं गच्छाम:|  We go to school. त्वं  गायसि |     You sing. युवां नृत्यथ :| You both dance. यूयं  नमथ | You (all) pray.


Complete the following sentences with pronouns एतत्    ----- विद्यालय:, एषा   ---- अध्यापिका | This is my school, she is my teacher.  शकुन्तले, ------ गायामि, किं ----- न गायसि ? Shakuntala, I sing, will you not sing? ------ चलाव: |  Let us both go.  भारतं ---- देशम् |My country is India सा ----- पुस्तकं पठति | She reads her book. Write the missing numbers of the following words. एकवचन     द्विवचन   बहुवचन​ सा             ----          ता: एष:            एतौ         ---- त्वं             ------         यूयं -----           आवयो:    अस्माकम्                 (षष्टि विभक्ति) माम्           -----        अस्मान्                          (द्वीतीया विभक्ति ) -----            ते           तानि Match the following words with their meanings  1. मयूरा:  A. धावति   2. गजौ   B.  लिखथ:  3. अश्व:  C. नृत्यन्ति   4. युवां   D.  पश्यसि   5. अहं   E.  धावत:  6. त्वं   F.  पिबामि  Words and their meanings :   एतत्  -this विद्य

Exercises on present tense - 3

Let us revise the present tense table for the word गच्छति एकवचना      द्विवचन      बहुवचन  गच्छति    he/she/it goes गच्छत: they both go  गच्छन्ति  they go  गच्छसि     you go  गच्छथ:    you both go  गच्छथ  you all go  गच्छामि      I go  गच्छाव:   we both go  गच्छाम:  we go Now that we have equipped ourselves with knowledge, let us answer some questions. Let us see how we can match the verbs of the sentences with yet another exercise  1. मयूरा:  A. धावति   2. गजौ   B.  लिखथ:  3. अश्व:  C. नृत्यन्ति   4. युवां   D.  पश्यसि   5. अहं   E.  धावत:  6. त्वं   F.  पिबामि  How about some number change? Let us convert the following sentences from plural to singular and singular to plural. बालिका: नृत्यन्ति | छात्र: पठति | वयं  गच्छाम:| अहं वदामि | Select the correct answer to complete the sentenc es shown below. -------- चरत: | (अजा   अजे )      The goats graze मार्गे -------- सन्ति | (द्विचक्रिका:    द्विचक्रिके )     There are two-wheelers on the road. ------- धावत: | (महिला   महिले)  Two wo

Asmad shabda

Declensions of asmad (I) shabda    एकवचन    द्विवचन  बहुवचन   प्रथमा   अहम्   आवाम्  वयम्  द्वितीया   माम्    आवाम्  अस्मान्  तृतीया   मया            आवाभ्यां   अस्माभिः  चतुर्थी   मह्यं   आवाभ्यां   अस्मभ्यं  पञ्चमी   मत्   आवाभ्यम्  अस्मत्  षष्टी   मम   आवयो:      अस्माकं   सप्तमी   मयि   आवयो:      अस्मासु  Let us look at some sentences. अहम् अत्रैव कर्मं करोमि | I work here only मह्यम् जलं देहि | Give me water मया सहा त्वमपि गृहं आगच्छ | You also come home with me हे देव मां पाहि | God, protect me मम गृहं बेंगलुरु नगरे अस्ति | My house is in Bangalore city मत् अन्नं गृहीत्वा तस्मै देहि| Take rice from him and give it to him मयि पातकं नास्ति | There is no sin in me

Example sentences of different vibhakti

Look at some sentences using locative case - saptami vibhakti. As the name suggests this gives location of the subject. आकाशे सूर्य: अस्ति |  Sun is in the sky वने वृक्ष: अस्ति | There is a tree in the forest वृक्षे खागा: सन्ति | There are birds in the tree    ( पर्वते सिंह: अस्ति | There is a lion in the mountain  तस्य जनक: गृहे तिष्ठति | His father stays at home.   उदधौ जलम् अस्ति | There is water in the ocean (उदधि  - sea, ocean) Here we have some sentences in dative case - चतुर्थी विभक्ति . This case is used to indicate to, for etc. अहं भ्रमणाय गच्छामि | I am going for a walk. धनं दानाय एव अस्ति | Money is meant for charity only   रवये नम: कुरु | Pray to sun God बालकाय मोदकं देहि | Give laddoos to the boy तस्मै जलं ददामि | I give water to him  Here are some sentences with instrumental case - तृतीया विभक्ति दुर्मतिना सह मित्रतां न कुरु | Do not make friendships with bad people शंभुना राक्षसो हत: | The rakshasa is killed by Shankar स: कंदुकेन