Present tense sentences

Let us see more sentences in present tense

स: तत्र तिष्ठति | He stands there  
तौ तत्र तिष्ठत: | They both stand there.
ते तत्र तिष्ठन्ति | They stand there.

तिष्ठ  - stand     तत्र - there
आरोग्यार्थं प्रतिदिनं प्रातः किञ्चित् कालम् आतपे तिष्टतु|
 स: - he तौ - they both ते - they
For health, we must stand in the sun every morning.

Observe the pronouns and verbs in all three numbers.

अहं अत्र क्रीडामि | I play here
आवां  अत्र क्रीड़ाव:| We both play here
वयं अत्र क्रीड़ाम:| We play here.

अत्र - here  क्रीड - play
अहं - I आवां - we both (dual)  वयं - we

सा पुस्तकं पठति| She reads book
ते पुस्तकं पठत:| They both(feminine) read book
ता: पुस्तकं पठन्ति| They read book

सा - she ते - they both (feminine) ता: - they (feminine)
पुस्तकं - book (in accusative case )  पठ - read

त्वं जलं पिबसी| You drink water
युवां जलं पिबथ:| You both drink water
युयं जलं पिबथ| You (all) drink water.

त्वं   - you युवां - you both युयं - you all

जलं - water(accusative) पिब  - to drink

नर: ग्रामं गच्छति| Man goes to village.
नारौ ग्रामं गच्छत:| Two men go to village.
नरा: ग्रामं गच्छन्ति| Men go to village.

नर - man   ग्रामं - village(accusative)   गच्छति - go

बाल: फलं भक्षयति|  Boy eats a fruit
बालौ फलं भक्षयत:| Two boys eat fruit.
बाला: फलं भक्षयन्ति| Boys eat fruit

 फलं - fruit   भक्ष - to eat   बाल - boy

Select the correct answer for the following sentences

  • त्वं सत्यं     -----                                     (You tell the truth)
    • वदति   वदामि   वदसि 
  • स: तत्र गत्वा वस्त्रं -----                               (He goes there and washes clothes)
    • प्रक्षालयति प्रक्षालयन्ति  प्रक्षालयत:
  • गोदुग्धं आवां ------                                    (We both drink cow's milk)
    • पिबति  पिबामि पीबाव:
  • बालका: किमर्थं  ---?                                 (Why do boys laugh)
    • हसति हसामि  हसन्ति 
  •  बालिका: शीतं जलं न ------                        (Girls do not drink cold water)
    • पिबति  पीबाम: पिबन्ति 
  • ------ भ्राता सहा ग्रामं गच्छामि                       (I go to village with my brother)
    • अहं  स:   युवां 
  • आलस: न ------                                     ( The lazy does not study)
    • पठन्ति  पठत: पठति 
  • रवि: मुनिं -------                                     (Ravi sees the monk)
    • पश्यति पश्यन्ति  पश्यामि 


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