Present tense - part II

Let us look at some more sentences in present tense.

  • राम: पुस्तकं पठति - Ram reads a book. 
    • Here पठति is in प्रथम पुरुष एक वचन 
  • छात्रौ लिखत: - Two students write. 
    • Here छात्रौ means two students. It is द्विवचन।  And लिखत is प्रथम पुरुष द्विवचन
  • बालिका: गृहं गच्छंति |   Girls go home. 
    • बालिका: - प्रथम पुरुष बहु  वचन 
    • गृहं - द्वितीया विभक्ति एक वचन  - accusative case
    • गच्छंति -  गम्  dhatu प्रथम पुरुष बहु  वचन - third person plural present tense

  • त्वं कुत्र गच्छसि ? Where do you go?
    • त्वं  - you - it is second person singular pronoun 
    • कुत्र - where 
    • गच्छसि - verb is in second person singular - मध्यम पुरुष  एक वचन 
  • अहं  विद्यालयं गच्छामि | I go to school
    •  अहं - I - first person singular pronoun - उत्तम पुरुष एक वचन सर्वनाम 
    • गच्छामि - I go - first person singular verb - उत्तम पुरुष एक वचन 
  • राम लक्ष्मण युवां किं खादत:? Ram and Laxmn, what do you both eat?
    • युवां - you both - second person dual pronoun - मध्यम  पुरुष द्विवचन
    • खादत: - खाद dhatu मध्यम  पुरुष द्विवचन
  • आवां मोदकं खादाव :| we both eat modaka
    • आवां - we both - first person dual pronoun
    •  खादाव: - first person dual verb - उत्तम पुरुष द्वि वचन
  • यूयं किं पिबथ? What do you all drink?
    • यूयं - second person plural pronoun - you all 
    • पिबथ - second person plural verb - पिब dhatu
  • वयं जलं पिबाम :| we drink water
    • वयं - we - first person plural pronoun
    • पिबाम: - first person plural verb

Observe the present tense verbs and their forms in the following sentences.
  1. मम माता पुष्पमालां करोति | My mother is making flower garlands
  2. पर्वते सिंह: अस्ति | There is a lion in the mountain.
  3. सा मार्गं पश्यति | She sees the road
  4. स: तस्य लेखनीं ददाति | He gives his pen.
  5. लेखक: पुस्तकं लिखति | Writer writes book.
  6. सहोदर: गृहं आगच्छति | Brother comes home.
  7.  ते पर्वतं पश्यन्ति | They see the mountain.

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