Some lakara questions

Here are some questions from NCERT Sanskrit book for 9th standard. All these questions are on verbs and their forms.

Let us understand the names of tenses in Sanskrit

लट् - present tense
लङ्  - past tense
लोट् - imperative tense
विधिलिङ् - imperative
ऌट् - future tense

Now here are the questions.

1) बालका: पुस्तकानि ------ (पठ्  लट् )
    Boys read books.

2) पुस्तकानि पठित्वा ते विद्वांस​: ------ (भू लट्)
    By reading books they become learned men.

3) यूयम् उद्याने कदा ------ (क्रीड् लङ् )
    When did you go to garden?

4) किम् आवाम् अद्य ----- (भ्रम् लोट्)
     Should we both roam now?

5) त्वम् ध्यानेन पाठम् ------ (पठ् विधिलिङ्)
     You have to read the lessons with concentration.

6) साधव​: तपं ------ (तप् लट्)
     Sages do meditation.

7) वयम् उत्तमान् अङ्कान् ------ (लभ् ऌट्)
    We will get good marks.

8) नाटकं द्रष्ट्वा सर्वे ----- (मुद् लङ्)
     Every one enjoyed the drama.

9) पितरम् वार्धक्ये पुत्र​: अवश्यं ----- (सेव् लोट्)
    Son should serve his father in his old age.

10) हे प्रभो। संसारे कोपि भिक्षाम् न् ------(याच्   विधिलिङ्)
      Dear God, Let me not beg in my life. ( I am not happy with translation. Please suggest a better one)

1) पठन्ति   - Third  person present tense plural
2) भवन्ति  - Third person present tense plural
3) अक्रीडत - Second person past tense plural
4) भ्रमाम  - First person plural imperative
5) पठे:  - Second person singular vidhiling
6) तपन्ति - Third person plural present tense
7) लप्स्यामहे  - First person plural future tense - atmane padi
8) अमोदन्त​ - Third person plural past tense - Atmane padi
9) सेवताम् - Third person singular imperative tense - Atmane padi

10th solution will be posted in the next post :)

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